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The Gospel Defined.

There are scores of great resources in books and online that give very beautiful, in depth ... Read More

Bible Applications and Implications of the Gospel

As the Bible delves into the deeper meaning of the gospel, one of the great main themes that is revealed is that there is a natural enemy to the gospel message. This enemy, which is a counterfeit gospel, is constantly at war with God’s good news. ... Read More

The Sabbath and the Gospel

When many Christians think about the Sabbath, what are the first thoughts that come to mind?
-         The Sabbath is for the Jews
-         The Sabbath is Old Testament stuff
-         The Sabbath has been done away with
-         LEGALISM … Read More

Living Like Jesus

A large number of Christians who keep the Sabbath (like Seventh Day Adventists, Church Of God Seventh Day, etc.) have emphasized the connection of the Sabbath to the 10 Commandments in their theological reasoning of why the Sabbath should be kept. They see the Sabbath as a seal of the true Christian … Read More

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